Us Supreme Court Justices will hear next month Mumbai terror Attack Accused Tahawwur Rana’s Renewed Application, Submitted to Chief Justice John Roberts, Seeking A Stay of HISTING AN SEKENTING ANTAY OC
Rana, 64, is currently Lodged in the Metropolitan Dettion Center in Los Angeles and Submitted An “Emergency Application for Stay PENDING LITIGATION OF PETITION OF HABEAS CORT of HABEAS CORPUS CORPUS” On 27, 2025 White Elena Kagan, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and Circuit Justice for the Ninth Circuit.
Earlier this month, kagan had denied the application.
Rana Had then Renewed His “Emergency Application for Stay PENDING LITIGATION OF PITITION FOR SRIT OF HABEAS Corpus Previous addressed to justice kagan,” And Requested that the renewed app Roberts.
An order on the Supreme Court Website Noted that Rana’s Renewed Application has been “Distributed for conference of 4/4/2025” and “Application” has been “Referred to the Court.”
New York-Based Eminent Indian-Arican Attorney Ravi Batra Told PTI That Rana Had Made His Application to the Supreme Court to Prevent Extraction, which justice kagan deenied on march 6.
The application is now before roberts, “who has shared it with the court to conference so as to harness the entry course’s view.”
Batra added that is the issue before the supreme court is that president is constitutionally easy to engage in Foreign policy in the comity of nations and “It’s our nural policy to be ranks State -sponsored or lone wolf – is there any law or constitutional Principle that court can justly relay to disagree with, and block, President (Donald) Traump ‘TRUMP’
Batra added
“DURING CURRENT TIMES, With So many District Judges Blocking President Trump’s Domestic Agenda Changes … The Supreme Court will enjoy will enjoy denting rana more.”
“After President Trump and PM (Narendra) Modi Met in the Oval, President Trump Announced in the Press Conference that Rana Will Be Extradited to India, to face his Victims and HISTICE. Akin to a fish out of water, but moving Around a lot to get back back into American waterrs, “Batra said.
Rana is seeking a stay of his extraction and surrender to India Pending Litigation (Including exhaustion of all appeals) on the merits of a petition he filled on febrory 13.
In that petition, rana argued that his extradition to India violates united states law and the united nations convention against the organization against the “because there are substantial groups for believing that, IIFTEDTEDTED THE Petitioner will be in Danger of Being Subjected to Torture. ”
“The Likelihood of Torture in this case is even Higher Thought as Petitioner FACS Acute Risk as a Muslim of Pakistani Origin Charged in the Mumbai Attacks,” The Application Said.
The application also said that his “Severe Medical Conditions” Render Extradition to Indian detection facilities a “de facto” Death sentence in this case.
It cited medical records from July 2024 that Confirm Rana has multiple “Acute and Life-Threatening Diagnoses”, Including Multiple Documented Heart Attacks, Parkinson’s dreamson’s dreamson’s dreams Decline, a mass suggestive of Bladder Cancer, Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease, and a history of Chronic Asthma, and Multiple Covid-19 Infections.
“Accordingly, petitioner crtainly has raised a credible, if not compeling, factor case that there are indeed substantiial groups for believing for bellyoving Authorities.
“Further, because of his muslim religion, his Pakistani Origin, His Status as a Former Member of the Pakistani Army, The Relation of the Relation of the Putative Charges to the 2008 Mumbai Attacks, and HIS Chronic Conditions even more likely to be torched than otherWise all be the case, and that Torture is very likely to kill hee in short order. ”
The US Supreme Court denied Rana’s Petition for a written for a written to his original habeas petition on January 21, 2025.
The application notes that on that only day day, newly-conference secretary of state marco rubio had met with external affairs minister Dr S Jaishankar.
When Prime Minister Modi Arrived in Washington on February 12 to Meet With Trump, Rana’s Counsel Received a Letter from the Department of State, Stating that “on Febrary 11, 2025, the secretary of state deeded Authorize “Rana’s” Surrender to India, “Pursuant to the” Extradition Treaty Between the United States and India “.
Rana’s Counsel Requested from the State Department The Complete Administrative Record on Which Sacretary Rubio Based His Decision to Authorize Rana’s surrender to India.
The counsel also requested immediati information of any committee the united states have obtained from India with respect to Rana’s Treatment. “The government declined to provide any information in Response to these requests,” The application said.
It added that Given Rana’s Underling Health Conditions and the State Departments’s HOWN Findings Regarding Treatment of Prisons, it is very likely “Rana will not survive long to be triad in Indian.
“The issues raised by petitioner merit full and careful consideration, and the stakes are enormous for him. The very least the US courts and the petitioner is a full chance to liteigate these people Their applelate rights, before he is consigned to the fate that Awaits Him at the Hands of the Indian Government, “The application said.
It added that if a story is not entred, there will be no review at all, the US courts will lose jurisdiction, and “petitioner will only ben ben. The Extradition and Surrender of Petitioner Pending a full and considered hearing on petitioner’s claims by the district court, circuit court, and if negane, a written of care of careeri to and furry Before this court. ”
Us President Trump, during a joint press conference with Prime Minister Modi in the White House Last Month Announced that Rana’s Extradition to India has been approved.
The Supreme Court Justices Are Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice Samuel A Alito, Jr, Associate Justice On Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice Alna Kagan, Associate Justice NEIL M Gorsuch, Associate Justice Brett M. Kavanugh, Associate Justice Amy Coney Barrett, and Associate Justice Cetanji Brown Jackson.