This Father’s Day give your father the gift of good health, include all these nutrients in his diet…


Father’s Day 2024: Every year the third Sunday of June is celebrated as Father’s Day. This year Father’s Day will be celebrated on June 16. This day is dedicated to fathers. People all over the world celebrate this day with great pomp to express respect and love for their father. Earlier this day was celebrated only in foreign countries but now people in India also celebrate this day very well. With increasing age, many types of changes are seen in a person’s body. Especially after the age of 50, the body has a special need for vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency causes many types of damage to the body.

On the occasion of Father’s Day, let us know about those nutrients that should be included in the diet of every father above 50 years of age. So that they can enjoy a healthy life.

Calcium (Father’s Day 2024)

As you age, your body starts losing more minerals than it absorbs. This weakens your bones and increases the risk of osteoporosis. Women are more prone to this problem, especially after menopause. Calcium helps muscles, nerves, cells and blood vessels to function properly. Most of it comes from food. Women over 50 and men over 70 should take about 20% more calcium than other adults. Make sure to include milk, curd and cheese in your diet.

Vitamin B12

It helps make blood and nerve cells. Naturally, it can be obtained from meat, fish, eggs and dairy products. It can be obtained through medicines and B12 fortified foods. 30% of people over the age of 50 have atrophic gastritis, which makes it difficult for your body to absorb it from foods. You can also get it through supplements.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps muscles, nerves and the immune system to function properly. Most people get some amount of vitamin D from sunlight. However, with age the body’s ability to convert sunlight into vitamin D decreases. Vitamin D is not available in large quantities through food, however fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines are a good source of it.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 helps the body to fight germs and produce energy. It helps in increasing brain power in children. With increasing age, the need for this vitamin in the body increases. Some studies have found that elderly people who have a good amount of vitamin B6 have a good memory. Chickpeas, chickpeas, fatty fish and fortified breakfast are good sources of this.


It helps your body to make protein and bones. It also keeps blood sugar stable. You can get it from nuts, seeds, and leafy vegetables. As we age, most people have to take medicines for various diseases. This also causes magnesium deficiency in the body.


These bacteria are good for the intestines. It can be taken through fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut. It can also be taken as a supplement. It prevents diarrhea, poor digestive system and many types of allergies. If you are healthy then it is completely safe to take them. However, people with weak immune system should consult a doctor before taking its supplement.

Omega 3

These fatty acids are considered very important because your body cannot make them. Omega 3 is necessary for eyes, brain and sperm cells. It prevents Alzheimer’s, arthritis, and eye diseases. For this, include fatty fish, walnuts, canola oil, or flaxseed in your diet.


Zinc deficiency is found in most people. It increases the ability to smell and taste and also helps in fighting infection and inflammation. With increasing age, all the essential functions of the body are possible through zinc. Meat and fortified food are good sources of it.


Potassium is very important for the heart, kidneys, muscles and nerves. It prevents stroke, high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Dried apricots, banana, spinach, milk and yogurt are good sources of it. Consult your doctor before taking its supplement.


As age increases, fiber becomes more important for the body. Fiber prevents the risk of stroke, keeps the stomach clean and controls cholesterol and blood sugar. Women above 50 years of age need at least 21 grams a day while men need 30 grams. This can be obtained through whole grains and vegetables.