Dream Police has taken a major action in Karnataka, in which 4 people including the manager of a private bank have been arrested, in which Rs 12.51 crore was embezzled by stealing sensitive data from a Bangalore company. In November, the director of Plug Pe Tech Solutions Private Limited (CRED) told the police that Rs 12.51 crore had been embezzled from the company’s accounts.
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The director of Dream Plug Pay Tech Solutions Private Limited (CRED) told the police that the company had its nodal and current bank accounts in Indiranagar branch of Axis Bank, Bengaluru. During this time, some unknown people conspired against the bank and planned cyber fraud attacks, gaining access to the email IDs and phone numbers associated with these accounts.
The investigation found that the accused used forged CIB (Corporate Internet Banking) forms, forged signatures and seals to transfer Rs 12.51 crore to 17 bank accounts in Gujarat and Rajasthan by stealing company data.
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Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayanand said the accused created fake CIB forms and fake seals using phone numbers and email IDs linked to the Axis Bank account of a private company, thereby transferring Rs 12.51 crore to various accounts. Dayanand said that the former CEN police of Bengaluru investigated the case and arrested 4 people including the manager of Axis Bank in Gujarat.
Rs 12.51 crore transferred in 17 accounts of Gujarat-Rajasthan
The investigation so far revealed that the accused stole company data to transfer Rs 12.51 crore to 17 bank accounts in Gujarat and Rajasthan, and police said they ‘froze’ Rs 55 lakh transferred to 17 accounts. have been done. They resorted to fake Corporate Internet Banking (CBI) forms in which fake signatures and seals were affixed. Some other accused are also involved in the case, whom the police is trying to identify.