With the arrival of monsoon in the district, farmers have gathered for the necessary preparations for sowing of Kharif. Deputy Director Agriculture Sant Ram Paikra has directed all the field officers of the Agriculture Department to advise and support the farmers from time to time in a phased manner at the field level. Work is being done at the field level for Kharif. When we talk about agriculture, then the importance of seeds increases very much, because the whole agricultural work depends on the seed, if the seed is healthy then the plants will be healthy, the incidence of insect disease will be less and productivity and production will increase. On the other hand, if the seed is not correct, then the germination of the seed will not be good, the number of plants per unit area will be less and if it germinates, then the plant is unhealthy and to prevent the outbreak of insect and disease, more use of crop medicine will be done. Due to which the cost of production increases. Therefore, the germination test of the seed is very important.
seed germination test
Farmer companions have either made or are arranging seeds for taking crops in their fields, it is very important to keep one thing in mind that we should make arrangements by swapping the source of seeds like society and any excellent farmer of the village. There is no living proof that the seed germination is correct. Therefore, it is very important to check the germination of the seed before sowing the seed. If the germination of the seed put in the field is not correct, then that place remains vacant for the whole crop period and chemical and organic fertilizers applied at this place become ineffective. Therefore, the germination test before sowing is very important, for this, clean the seed from the seed sack and separate the small and unhealthy grains and keep it wrapped in a wet sack after counting 100 seeds without sorting. Also, maintain light moisture in the sack, after the seed germination in three to four days, count the number of germinated seeds because this will be the percentage of your seed germination. The parameters of proper germination capacity through different seeds are different, such as paddy is 80-85 percent, urad is 75 percent, soybean is 70-75 percent. If there is a slight difference from the above criteria in the germination test, increase the seed quantity and sow it. If the germination percentage of the seed is much less than the criterion, then do not sow that seed and return the seed to the seed source and immediately inform the nearest Agriculture Officer. Seed germination has a significant effect on the number of seedlings. Therefore, sow the seed only after checking the germination of the seed.
17 percent salt solution treatment:-
Germination is seen after a few days of sowing of paddy in the field but later the number of seedlings decreases, this is because when we sow the seeds in the field, at that time the seeds affected by worms and insects reach the field and Even when they germinate, we think that the number of seedlings is good, but the plants grown from seeds affected by mud and worms die after a few days. Because in the seed affected by mudbadra and insects, the plant does not get food till the root develops. So sowing of healthy seeds is very important.
To get healthy seeds, 17% salt solution should be used for paddy seed treatment, for this, dissolve 1 kg 700 grams of salt in 10 liters of water or arrange a potato or an egg at the village level, first take water in a tub or bucket, then put potatoes in it. Or put the egg, the potato and the egg will settle in the bottom of the pot, but will dissolve as the salt is added. Will keep coming up and 17 percent solution will be ready then egg or potato will float on the top surface of the water. After this, take out the egg or potato from the water and put the seeds in this solution and stir with your hands and leave it for 30 seconds. By doing this, paddy’s bada, matbdara, katkarha paddy, weed seeds and seeds affected by insects will float on the water. Keep it in a separate vessel and separate the seed which has settled in the bottom of the pot and wash it with clean water, after that if you want to sow it immediately, then sow it in the field or dry it in the sun and store it safely. By doing this, healthy seeds will be obtained. Katkarha, Badra, Matbadara, insect affected seeds and weed seeds are easily separated. Along with this, the plant prepared by using some other fungicidal medicine like thiram, Bavistin at the rate of two grams per kg of seed will be healthy. Due to which the plant will be able to fight against the disease.