Tag: Kirandul honored

  • Journalist of iron town Kirandul honored with the honor of Corona Warriors

    In this global epidemic of Kovid 19, if journalists are called Corona warriors, then there will be no exaggeration. In this global epidemic of Corona period, the work done by the journalist brothers of the iron town Kirandul along with the governance administration for the people to bring public awareness cannot be forgotten. In this epidemic, journalists have done the task of reporting the problems of the people from the ground level to the governance administration during lock down as a pillar for the people. During this time, the administration team also worked step by step to remove the problems of the people, or else there was a big contribution of journalist brothers behind all these things. In view of all these commendable contributions to the society of journalists during this period of Kovid 19, the team of Kirandul Lions Club honored all the journalists of Kirandul with a Coronation Warriors citation at the local football ground in the city. During the honor, Lions Club Committee President Nirmal Baghel, Shankar Chaudhary, Chanchal Kumar addressed the real Corona Warriors to the journalists and said that the journalists of Kirandul, in fact, collect news from the ground level and deliver accurate reports to the society whether it is rural distress. Ho or Urban. Even during this epidemic of Kovid 19, the exact updates of every moment related to Corona virus have been available to us through the journalists brothers and even today, the journalist brothers are deserving of this honor and has been awarded. When the journalists of Kirandul came out to take stock of the city reporting, they saw that the helpless and mentally deranged people who were sitting on the pavement, the hungry thirsty people, made food from their houses and brought it to them, which was quite Made headlines On the other hand, an incident in an overcrowded area far from Kirandul, an elderly woman had been suffering from fever for a long time, who had no one to take care of. But when reporters got information about this, they reached Ground Zero and brought it to the administration through their pen of the voice of the woman suffering from that fever. Responsible people: As soon as the news is published, the elderly woman suffering from fever reached the journalists with immediate treatment and made her healthy and vibrant, then we can see the reporting work in the society as well as the public service by the journalists with the society This is being done together, which is quite commendable.