Gyana Chandra, Bhopal. Passengers are facing problems due to cancellation of MEMU train from Madhya Pradesh capital Bhopal for two months and closure of gate number 6 of the platform. To get rid of these problems, Railway Up Downers Progressive Welfare Association has submitted a memorandum to Bhopal Railway Division Manager and Bhopal MP Alok Sharma.
Let us tell you that lakhs of passengers travel by train every day from Bhopal railway station. These days, only show-off is being done in the name of passenger convenience at Bhopal Railway Station. Railway Up Downers Progressive Welfare Organization demanded that MEMU train should be restarted as it has been closed for 2 months which will cause problems to many passengers. At Bhopal Railway Station, many routes on the platform side number 6 have been closed due to which the passengers are facing a lot of trouble. Many emergency gates have also been closed in the name of Metro Rail due to which disabled passengers are facing problems. Parking near station number 6 has also been closed which is causing a lot of problems. Auto drivers have also demanded that the Railways should organize parking near number 6. Unable to drive auto due to this problem.
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