Kumar Inder, Jabalpur. A few hours after his release from the Central Jail, former Balaghat MP Kankar Munjare again reached among the farmers. He alleged huge fraud in paddy procurement in Jabalpur. The former MP said that a scam of Rs 3 crore has been committed in the purchase of 30 lakh quintals of paddy so far. Apart from Jabalpur, allegations of huge fraud in paddy procurement have been made in other districts including Balaghat, Katni, Chhatarpur, Damoh, Sagar, Panna.
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Former MP Kankar Munjare has demanded a SIT or CBI investigation into the paddy procurement scam in the state. Also, there is an allegation of involvement of big mafia in paddy procurement under the protection of the government. In case the investigation is not done, he announced to approach the court.
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Let us tell you that former MP Kankar Munjare was sent to jail on charges of assaulting the computer operator and in-charge of the paddy procurement center of Balaghat. On December 27, he was arrested on charges of assault at Dhapera Mohgaon procurement center in Lalbarra tehsil of Balaghat district. After being in jail for 12 days, he was released on bail from Jabalpur Central Jail yesterday.
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