Karna Mishra, Gwalior. Even after the awareness campaign to alert the cyber fraud by the police and the government in Madhya Pradesh, the thugs are carrying out the crime by adopting new methods. In this episode, a case of attempt to cheat by putting a photo of the officer on the DP of WhatsApp has come to light. The accused thug sent a message by applying DP of the Commissioner of the Municipal Corporation and asked for money. On talking to the officer, the secret of cheating was revealed and survived a major incident.
Actually the case is from the city of Gwalior where the commissioner had asked for money from the officers. The thug asked the DP of Municipal Corporation Commissioner Sanghpriya and asked for money. The thug sent messages (MSG) from the first commissioner’s photo and asked for 40 thousand rupees from the subordinate employee. When the employee was suspicious, he spoke to the commissioner and the matter was opened. Employees survived being a victim of cheating. When the matter comes to light, the commissioner has complained to the SSP about the case. The cyber police is investigating the case. Last month also messages were sent in the name of Divisional Commissioner. The Divisional Commissioner also complained to the police.
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