Shashank Dwivedi, Khajuraho. Chhatarpur Police of Madhya Pradesh has issued an advisory regarding New Year celebrations. The police wrote on the poster – Avoid becoming the guest of the police, do not drive after drinking alcohol, the place is the nearest police station.
Keeping in mind the celebration, peace and security arrangements in the new year, Chhatarpur Superintendent of Police Agam Jain has directed the police force in the district to remain alert. Khajuraho Police has put up banners and posters at various places, appealing not to drink and drive. The aim of the police is that the tourists visiting Khajuraho do not face any problem during the celebrations, for this an advisory has been issued, everyone is appealed to follow the advisory. In the excitement of celebrating the New Year, the police will keep a special eye on those who create ruckus, drink and drive and rush driving. On the night of 31st December, police squads will be on alert outside hotels, dhabas, model shops, clubs and other entertainment houses.
written in the menu
According to the menu issued by the police, after being caught in police custody, along with preventive action, other actions will also be taken, for which the place has been mentioned as the nearest police station. Police control room number 7049101021 has also been issued for information related to criminal activities and complaints.
Atul Dixit, Police Station Incharge, Khajuraho
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