Abhishek Semar, Takhatpur. In Purena village of Takhatpur police station area of Chhattisgarh, villagers caught four people including the former sarpanch while performing tantric rituals. During this, the villagers, including the Tantrik, beat up the former Sarpanch fiercely. Then everyone was handed over to the police.
Two people including woman absconding
According to the information, last night the former Sarpanch was performing tantric rituals by keeping fish, eggs, goat eggs and country liquor at the cremation ground of the village. As soon as information about this was received, the villagers reached the spot, confiscated the goods and caught four people performing Tantric rituals. During this time, two people including the woman managed to escape from the spot. The villagers beat up the former Sarpanch along with the Tantrik. After this all four were handed over to the police.
Action will be taken after investigation: Police station in-charge
In this case, police station in-charge Devesh Rathore said that last night information was received from the villagers that some people were performing tantric rituals at the cremation ground. Considering the seriousness of the matter, a patrolling team has been sent and four people have been brought to the police station. Further action will be taken after investigation.
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