Raipur, 26 November 2024/ Chhattisgarh Government's Mahtari Vandan Yojana has become a major source of self-reliance and economic support for women. Poor and needy families are getting strength from Mahtari Vandan Yojana in various districts of Chhattisgarh. The joint family of Marar Patel, resident of village Bhonda of Bodla development block of Kabirdham district, is an inspiration for the beneficiary families today. In this family, Mr. Sadaram Patel, his younger brother Mr. Ramkumar Patel live with his wife, sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. Three generations of this family are getting the benefits of government schemes. Through Mahtari Vandan Yojana, this family has gained financial strength and is also making concrete plans for the bright future of their daughters.
Powerful story of joint family
Mr. Sadaram Patel and his wife Mrs. Sukhbati Patel have two sons and daughters-in-law. Elder daughter-in-law Mrs. Dileshwari (husband Shri Geetaram) and their three children Barkha, Anju and Prabha. The second daughter-in-law is Mrs. Manisha (husband Mr. Jagiyaram) and her son Mintashu. Mr. Sadaram's younger brother Mr. Ramkumar Patel and his wife Mrs. Birjha Bai also have two sons and daughters-in-law. Elder daughter-in-law Mrs. Anita (husband Shri Narendra) who has two sons and a daughter. Similarly, the second daughter-in-law is Mrs. Ganeshiya (husband Mr. Phagiyaram) and she has a daughter.
Made up mind to invest in Sukanya Samriddhi and Gramin Dak Life Insurance Scheme
The daughters-in-law and mothers of the family have expressed gratitude to Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai for the Mahtari Vandan Yojana. He has decided to use the amount received from the scheme for the education and marriage of his daughters. He has decided to invest in profitable schemes like Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana and Rural Postal Life Insurance. He says that with these schemes the future of children will be secure. The schemes will prove to be financially helpful for the future of their children till 2039-40. Mrs. Sukhbati Patel and Mrs. Birjha Bai, daughters-in-law of the Patel family, said, “Mahtari Vandan Yojana has given us the confidence to become self-reliant and work towards a better future for our children. Our standard of living has started becoming better and happier with the additional income of Rs 6,000 per month for the family as well. This amount will reach Rs 3.60 lakh in five years.” We are confident that this scheme will continue in future also.
गौरतलब है कि छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार की महतारी वंदन योजना का शुभारंभ एक मार्च 2024 को प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने किया था, जिसका उद्देश्य महिलाओं के स्वास्थ्य, पोषण, आर्थिक स्वावलंबन और सशक्तिकरण को बढ़ावा देना है। इसके अंतर्गत 21 वर्ष से अधिक आयु की पात्र विवाहित महिलाओं को एक-एक हजार रूपए की मासिक आर्थिक सहायता प्रदान की जाती है।योजना के तहत अब तक राज्य की महिलाओं को कुल 5878 करोड़ 37 लाख रूपए की आर्थिक सहायता दी जा चुकी है।
Mahtari Vandan Yojana has made women self-reliant and has provided economic stability to their families. This scheme is not only meeting the needs of the present but is also laying a strong foundation for the future.