Lakshika Sahu, Raipur. State President Kiran Singhdev, who returned after attending the meeting of BJP officials in Delhi, said that the centenary year of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will be celebrated in different phases. The birthday program will continue till 25 December 2025. Also read: CG Railway News: Drain slab was kept in the railway track… Accused arrested, this was revealed during RPF interrogation.
Kiran Singhdev told that an important meeting was held in Delhi yesterday. All state presidents, in-charges and senior officials of the party participated in the meeting. There was discussion regarding organization elections. Municipal elections and the action plan for the coming year were discussed.
Singhdev said that the centenary year of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee will be celebrated in different phases. Apart from this, programs will be organized in different phases in the 75th year of the Constitution. There will be programs with a view to symposium, good governance and development.