Raipur 1 December 2024/ On the initiative of Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai, the Finance Department has approved Rs 23.64 crore for the development works of Bilaspur, Jagdalpur and Ambikapur airports of Chhattisgarh. With this, work related to airport infrastructure and security will be done. Chief Minister Shri Sai said that with the approval of these works, the upgradation and development of the state's airports will be done in an effective and organized manner. This will improve aviation services and also promote tourism activities.
The Finance Department has sanctioned an amount of more than Rs 2 crore 96 lakh for apron expansion and lighting work at Bilaspur Airport. Under the apron expansion work, the area around the airport's runway will be expanded, which will facilitate parking and operation of aircraft. Along with this, the airport's lighting system will be upgraded to make night time operations safe and efficient.
An amount of Rs 20.40 crore has been sanctioned for airstrip improvement for Jagdalpur Airport. This will increase the security and operational efficiency of the airport. Isolation bays are constructed to keep aircraft safely parked in case of emergency, while widening of the road will ease traffic. Wire fencing will boost security around the airport.
Similarly, an amount of Rs 27.92 lakh has been approved for the development works of Ambikapur Airport. This amount will be used to improve the infrastructure and operational efficiency of the airport.