Naresh Sharma, Raigarh. A sudden fire broke out late night in the hotel ‘Murari The Kitchen’ located on Dhimrapur Road in the city. Due to severe heat, three cylinders kept in the hotel exploded and the fire spread to the adjacent shop. Amidst the chaos, the fire brigade team brought the fire under control after much effort in the morning. Also read: Big news: One DRG soldier martyred in an encounter with Naxalites in South Abujhmad, 4 Naxalites killed, CM Sai expressed grief over the martyrdom of the soldier…
Due to the fire in ‘Murari The Kitchen’, the gas cylinder exploded and the fire spread to the surrounding areas, due to which the shop NS Decor adjacent to the hotel was also burnt to ashes. The loss of property due to arson has been estimated to be worth lakhs of rupees. It was fortunate that there was no casualty of any kind.
The fire was brought under control with the help of half a dozen fire brigade vehicles that reached the spot on information. During this time, City Kotwali Police and Municipal Corporation team were also present on the spot.
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