Bemetra. A horrifying incident has come to light from Bemetara district of Chhattisgarh. In Phari village of City Kotwali police station area, a man killed his wife by burning her alive. The eccentric husband committed this crime in the bathroom of the house at midnight. Sensation has spread in the area after the incident. On receiving information in the morning, police reached the spot and arrested the accused husband.
According to the information, the name of the deceased is Gangotri Vishwakarma and the name of the accused husband is Durga Vishwakarma. He is a mason by profession. The reason why he gave a painful death to his wife is unclear at the moment. The police have established a case and sent the body for postmortem and are investigating the incident site with the forensic team. The police have taken the accused into custody and are interrogating him. Besides, information is also being taken from nearby people. The reasons for the murder will be revealed only after investigation of the case.