Raipur, 23 November 2024/Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai inaugurated Shri Ram Setu Marg built on River View of Bilaspur on Saturday evening. The inauguration of Shri Ram Setu Marg was celebrated through laser show and fireworks along with Bilaspur Vikas Deep Mahotsav. On this occasion, 10 thousand lamps were released in the Arpa river. On this occasion, both the bridges of Arpa connecting the two ends of the city were decorated with attractive lights.
Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai, in his address on this occasion, said that today is a very important day for the development of Bilaspur, the capital of Chhattisgarh, where many development works have been done simultaneously. All these works will strengthen the infrastructure of Bilaspur city and develop civic amenities.
The Chief Minister said that Arpa Maiya is not just a river, but the stream of culture of Chhattisgarh flows in it. We are determined to preserve the existence of Arpa Maiya. Shri Ram Setu Marg has been inaugurated today under the Arpa Upliftment and Coast Enhancement Project. Apart from this, other projects are also going on for the promotion and upliftment of Arpa River. A four-lane road of about 2 kilometers is being built from Indira Setu to Shanichari Rapta on both banks of the river. A drain has been built on the banks of the river, the dirty water of the city will be transported to the sewage treatment plant through this drain, this will save the river from getting polluted.
The Chief Minister said that Bilaspur is the second largest city of Chhattisgarh. As per the goal given by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, this city has to play an important role in building a developed India-developed Chhattisgarh. During this, the Chief Minister made a big announcement and said that Malhar Mahotsav would be restarted in Bilaspur and a budget provision of Rs 20 lakh would be made for the festival.
As a part of the Arpa Upliftment and Bank Augmentation Project, the road on the right side of the Arpa River has been named Ram Setu Marg. Its cost is Rs 49 crore 98 lakh which includes footpath, divider, street light, retaining wall and beautification work. With the inauguration of this road, the traffic of the city will be able to operate smoothly. This has provided an organized alternative route to the city residents from Nehru Chowk towards the city's busiest Gol Bazaar – Sadar Bazaar and Shanichari Bazaar.