Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Dev Sai was seen wearing Bastriya colors


Raipur 18 November 2024/ Chief Minister Shri Vishnudev Sai attended the meeting of Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority today. Here he reviewed the progress of Bastar's development and development plans and also sought suggestions from public representatives. During this period, Chief Minister Shri Sai's attachment towards Bastar was especially visible regarding the meeting of the authority and his visit to Bastar. The Chief Minister tweeted in Halbi before takeoff for Bastar and in Gondi after reaching there. After this, through one tweet after another, Chief Minister Shri Sai showed his love for the folk culture of Bastar, its people, their traditions and the picturesque tourism here.

Before takeoff, the Chief Minister tweeted in Halbi dialect and informed about attending the meeting of Bastar Area Tribal Development Authority and described it as giving a new direction to the development of the area. While attending the meeting, he tweeted in Gondi, with this tweet the Chief Minister himself was seen wearing a Gaur Singh Mukut and patting it on the Mandar. He posted his photo and wrote – Coming to Bastar, enjoyed the Gaur dance on the beats of Mandar, it is a wonderful experience to come to Bastar and become a part of the culture here. It is noteworthy that this is the first time that a Chief Minister has gone to Bastar and conveyed his views to the public through the regional dialect there.

On reaching Chitrakot to attend the meeting of the authority, the Chief Minister was welcomed in Bastriya style, Shri Sai himself was seen dressed in Bastriya colors, Bastriya folk dancer groups presented folk dances to welcome him. The Chief Minister also posted a photo standing near Chitrakote Falls, through which he expressed his special interest in Bastar tourism.