Durg. Attacking Professor Vinod Sharma in Bhilai-3, hearing the case was held in the court of Judicial Magistrate 1st Class Amita Jaiswal in Bhilai. The wife of accused Probir Sharma, Dr. The court has ordered to register an FIR against TI Mahesh Dhruv and Mahila police station in-charge Shraddha Pathak, due to keeping Purnima Sharma in the women’s police station for 15 hours without any reason.
According to the court, Dr. Purnima Sharma, wife of accused Probir Sharma, was questioned by sitting in the police station for 15 hours. The court has asked to make an FIR aware by registering an FIR under Section 127BNS. Durg Range IG has been directed for departmental inquiry. Along with this, Bhilai Nagar police station in -charge Prashant Mishra has also been reprimanded.
Know the whole matter
In fact, Inspector Prashat Mishra of Bhilai Nagar police station took Dr. Purnima Sharma in custody and brought it in a private vehicle and brought it by road without a female officer for 20-21 hours. During this time there was no female constable. Kota from Andhra Pradesh brought Bhilai Mahila police station via Chhattisgarh. Her husband Probir Sharma was not taken to the old Bhilai police station and took him to Pulgaon police station. The accused’s wife Dr. Purnima challenged illegal custody in the court. He told the court that the police had asked him to take him to the court or the police station, but Inspector Prasat Mishra had said that do not talk about the law, there is an order from above. Have to take Bhilai directly. Purnima Sharma was not even allowed to go home.
Purnima, wife of accused Probir Sharma, said that on asking the reason for stopping the police station, the woman police station in -charge Shraddha Pathak said that it has been stopped at the behest of the inspector of Bhilai Nagar and Old Bhilai police station. 2 mobiles of Dr. Purnima were also kept with the female police station in -charge. She was released after about 15 hours, but the mobile woman police station in -charge did not return.