Bilaspur to Hyderabad Flight: Virendra Gahwai, Bilaspur. From today, the trial flight between Bilaspur and Hyderabad is starting. After the trial of the flight on this route is successful, it can be regularized in the summer schedule.
Bilaspur to Hyderabad Flight will leave from Hyderabad at 9:40 am and reach Bilaspur at 11:30 am. In return, he will fly from Bilaspur at 16:30 pm and reach Hyderabad at 18:20 pm. For this route, the fare from Hyderabad to Bilaspur has been fixed at Rs 2999 and the fare from Bilaspur to Hyderabad has been fixed at Rs 3956. There is a possibility of regular flight in the summer schedule after the trial is successful.