Former Delhi deputy chief minister and AAP leader Manish Sisodia Tuesday said that he has raised over Rs 40 lakh through crowdfunding to contest the upcoming assembly polls from the Jangpura seat. In a social media post, he said that 331 donors contributed amounts ranging from Rs 100 to Rs 500 to his crowdfunding campaign that was launched on December 30. “To contest the assembly election from Jangpura, I required a maximum of Rs 40 lakh. I am extremely happy that companions from across the country wholeheartedly contributed and supported me. “With the cooperation of 331 companions, a total of Rs 40 lakh has been raised. The good news is that 50 people from all over the country contributed Rs 100 each, and 36 people contributed Rs 500 each,” the incumbent Patparganj MLA said in the post. Assuring people about using the “hard-earned” money honestly, Sisodia pledged to continue working towards advancing the education revolution in Delhi.
“I will use every single penny of your hard-earned money with honesty and hard work to contest the election. And after winning the election, I will work for Jangpura and continue to advance the education revolution in Delhi. Jai Hind, Jai Bharat. Long live the education revolution,” he added.
Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has raised over Rs 17 lakh through crowdfunding for her election campaign from the Kalkaji constituency. Within hours of launching the donation platform on January 12, Atishi garnered Rs 17.38 lakh from 335 supporters. “I am truly overwhelmed by the incredible response to my crowdfunding campaign on day one. Over 335 well-wishers have come forward to contribute Rs 17+ lakh to the #DonateForAtishi campaign. “This huge success is a reflection of people’s unwavering faith in the Aam Aadmi Party’s clean, honest, and transformative politics. Do keep the momentum going by spreading the word,” she wrote on social media.
Several other AAP leaders, including Satyendar Jain and Durgesh Pathak, have also launched crowdfunding campaigns, appealing for financial support from the public to contest the election scheduled for February 5.