Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said Jammu and Kashmir was writing a new saga of peace and development, shedding its difficult past and reclaiming the title of ‘paradise on earth’.Modi inaugurated the 6.5-km long Z-Morh tunnel on Srinagar-Leh highway in Gagangir area of Ganderbal district in central Kashmir for round-the-year connectivity to Sonamarg and further to Ladakh. The inaugural function took place in the presence of J&K CM Omar Abdullah, L-G Manoj Sinha, Union ministers Nitin Gadkari, Jitendra Singh and Ajay Tamta. The PM also paid tributes to seven workers, including a doctor, who worked at the construction site and were killed here in an attack on October 20, 2024.”The past 10 years witnessed an era of peace and development. In the 21st century, J&K is writing a new saga of development, leaving behind its difficult past and reclaiming its image of ‘paradise on earth’,” said Modi. J&K is turning into a hub of tunnels, projects and ropeways. Thirty-three tunnels are coming up in J&K, of which five have been completed and nine more are under construction. Five ropeway projects are proposed to be constructed as well.”Kashmir is the crown of India. I want this crown to be more beautiful and prosperous. Youngsters, elders, boys and girls are helping me realise the dream of developing J&K and India,” said Modi, adding, “Distances have been bridged and I assure you that Modi will remove any obstacle coming in the way of your dreams. I will walk with you every single step.”In an oblique response to Abdullah’s assertion on the restoration of statehood, Modi said every task has its own time and the right work will happen at the right time. “Har kaam ka ek samai hota hai aur sahi samay par sahi kaam bhi hone wale hain,” said Modi. “All credit goes to the people of J&K who strengthened democracy. Now, people in Kashmir can enjoy ice cream at Lal Chowk at night. Polo View market is fast becoming a habitat centre with musicians and artists performing there regularly. People go to the cinema with their families,” said Modi. The PM said tourism is an important driver of change on the ground and in 2024, two crore tourists visited J&K. He said ₹13,000 crore is waiting to be invested in J&K, which will provide jobs to thousands of local youth. Abdullah in his address, praised Modi for his long association with the Valley and urged him to fulfil the promises of restoration of statehood. “Two promises of bridging ‘Delhi Ki Doori’ and conducting assembly elections have been fulfilled by you and the third promise of restoring statehood is yet to be fulfilled and people and the media often ask me about it,” said Abdullah.The J&K CM, while reminiscing about the attack on October 20, said that the presence of Modi at Z-Morh tunnel is a clear message to those who don’t want progress, peace and democracy in the region. “They won’t get any success and will have to face defeat every time,” said Abdullah.
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Jammu and Kashmir writing new saga of peace and growth: PM Modi
By News Analysis India3 Mins Read