Simran Singh, a 25-year-old popular radio jockey and Instagram influencer from Jammu, was discovered dead in her Sector 47 apartment in Gurugram on December 26. Known as “Jammu Ki Dhadkan” (Heartbeat of Jammu) to her fans, Simran had Amassed a following of over seven lakh on social media.
Police officials suspect the incident to be a case of suicide. Simran was reportedly staying with a friend who informed the authorities about her death. Her last Instagram reel was uploaded on December 13.
Simran’s body has been handed over to her family. She was widely recognized as RJ Simran and cherished by her followers for her vibrant personality and engaging content.
Simran Singh’s last reel on Instagram goes viral- watch
JNKC took to loss.”
In a post on ”
(Note: This is a developing news, further details are to be added.)
(Discussions on suicides can be triggering for some. But suicides are preventable. If you are looking for help, some suicide prevention helpline numbers in India are 011-40769002 from Sanjivini (Delhi-based, 10 am – 5.30 pm) and 044-24640050 from Sneha Foundation (Chennai-based, 8 am – 10 pm), +91 9999666555 from Vandrevala Foundation (Mumbai-based, 24×7).