Bollywood’s famous choreographer Ganesh Acharya has given a gift to fans on Makar Sankranti. While wishing Sankranti, he has made a big announcement regarding his next film on his social media account. The choreographer is coming up with a love story film soon.
Shared the poster of the film
Let us tell you that Ganesh Acharya has shared a poster of his upcoming film ‘Sirf Tum Love Has No Reason’ on his Instagram account. In this, a hand sketch of a boy and a girl is made and the name of the film is written on it. Along with this, Ganesh Acharya has also given the title of the film as a timeless love story. The shooting of this film will start in Sydney, Australia in the month of April.
Deepak Shivdasani will direct
Deepak Shivdasani has written and is also going to direct this film of Ganesh Acharya. The film is being produced by Vidhi Acharya (wife of Ganesh Acharya) and V2S Production. However, who are the actors and actresses in this film has not been revealed. Apart from all this, Ganesh Acharya has also given special thanks to Boney Kapoor in the poster of the film.
He has directed many films himself
Apart from dance choreography and film production, Ganesh Acharya has also worked as a director. He has directed films like ‘Swami’, ‘Money Hai To Honey Hai’ and ‘Angel’.