Case registered on actor Allu Arjun: Actor Allu Arjun may get into new trouble. A case has been registered against actor Allu Arjun on charges of model code of conduct violation. It is alleged that he organized a big public meeting at the MLA’s residence without permission. Its video has also gone viral. This case has been registered against Allu Arjun and YSRCP MLA Ravi Chandra Kishore Reddy on behalf of P. Ramachandra Rao, Sub-Tehsildar of Nandyala Rural, Observer of Nandyala constituency.
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According to the information, MLA Reddy allegedly called Allu Arjun to Nandyala constituency for the meeting without any prior permission. In such a situation, it has been considered a violation of the election code of conduct and a case has been registered against MLA Reddy as well as Allu Arjun for violating the code of conduct.
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The case against Allu Arjun and MLA Reddy has been filed by P. Ramachandra Rao, sub-tehsildar of Nandyala Rural, appointed to monitor the elections in Nandyala constituency of Andhra Pradesh.
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Allu Arjun said- had come to meet a friend
Earlier on Saturday, after meeting MLA Ravi Chandra Kishore Reddy at his residence amid huge fan following, Allu Arjun clarified that he had come to Nandyala to help his friend. He does not support any political party. His visit was for a friend. Actor Allu Arjun issued a statement in this matter saying that I have come here of my own free will. Among my friends, no matter what field they are in, if they need my help, I will come forward and help them. This does not mean that I am supporting any political party.
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Pushpa: The Rule will release on August 15
Allu Arjun’s ‘Pushpa: The Rule’ will be released on August 15 and fans are waiting for it. The film also stars Fahadh Faasil, Rashmika Mandanna, Dhananjay, Rao Ramesh among others. The first song of the album of this movie was released a few days ago and it was sung by Mika Singh.
The sound of ‘no-no’ was coming from the daughter’s room at night, when the parents reached there they were shocked to see the sight, the decision taken after that left the police shaken.