Famous TV actor Arjun Bijlani is going through a difficult time these days. His mother, admitted in Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital in Mumbai, is not well. Giving information about his mother’s health, Arjun Bijlani has shared a video on Instagram story. In which he is telling about his mother’s health.
Mother shifted to ICU
Let us tell you that Arjun Bijlani’s mother has been shifted to ICU after her health deteriorated. Actually, his mother’s oxygen level was decreasing, due to which she was shifted to ICU. Giving an update on his mother’s health, the actor said, ‘My mother is not well. He is in ICU because his oxygen level has gone down. My only prayer is that he should get well as soon as possible.
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Share story on Instagram
Arjun Bijlani has shared a video on the story on his social media platform Instagram. In this story, Bijlani is seen holding his mother’s hand in the hospital and his mother is trying hard to recover.
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Arjun Bijlani had given information
Let us tell you that just a few days ago, Arjun Bijlani had informed that his mother is not well and he is with her in the hospital to take care of her.