Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya has been in the headlines for some time for his interviews and statements. Recently in one of his interviews, the singer had said a lot about Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan. At the same time, now Abhijeet Bhattacharya has fiercely targeted Ranbir Kapoor. He has also expressed his displeasure over inviting him to the Ram Mandir Pran Pratistha last year.
Let us tell you that Abhijeet Bhattacharya said something about Ranbir Kapoor, which has created controversy. In a recent interview, the singer expressed his displeasure and said, ‘When the Ram temple was inaugurated, a person was called who eats beef and you are talking about mother cow’. Read More – New Year 2025: Do these 5 things on the first day of the new year, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi will remain throughout the year…
Angry over Ranbir Kapoor’s death
Many Bollywood stars attended the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya on January 22, 2024. But this statement given by Abhijeet Bhattacharya on Ranbir Kapoor has sparked a heated debate among the fans. Abhijeet Bhattacharya said that none of the people who went to the Ram temple were true nationalists. He said that whether it is a big singer or a bhajan singer, many people do shows in collaboration with Pakistan. Terrorist attacks like Uri attack happen, but these people never condemn Pakistan.
Said- Ranbir eats beef
Abhijeet Bhattacharya further said, ‘Even in Ram Mandir, Ayodhya, there were people whose wives abuse India and they themselves do not say anything against Pakistan.’ He also said that a person who eats beef was called a person, whereas we call a cow a mother. Politics is a very strange thing. I can never enter politics. This is just a line that we have the right to proudly say that we are Hindus and India is not only our father’s, but also our father’s father’s. Read More – 2025 Holiday Calendar: There will be a total of 38 holidays in the year 2025, see the complete list here…
Ranbir Kapoor spoke on beef
Let us tell you that in a TV interview given in the year 2011, Ranbir Kapoor had said something about eating beef, which came into the headlines again in 2022. During this time he was promoting his film ‘Brahmastra’. Some activists had raised objection regarding that statement of Ranbir Kapoor. He had announced that he would not allow Ranbir to enter the temple now.