Redmi 8 is set to launch in India on October 9. India chief Manu Kumar Jain has tweeted that the phone will launch in India next week, and the teaser says that the phone will be a champion in battery. It is also teased to pack a battery more than 4,000mAh capacity, and the teaser also suggests a better camera on the Redmi 8. Separately, the phone has also been spotted on Google Play console revealing key specifications as well. Xiaomi recently launched the Redmi 8A in India, and now it is gearing up to launch the Redmi 8.
In his latest tweet, Jain confirms that the Redmi 8 will launch in India on October 9. The teaser photo shows the figure 8 with camera sensors inside it, indicating at a dual camera setup on the phone. The Redmi 8 teaser also suggests that the phone will have a better battery. To recall, the smartphone was seen in Jain’s hand at the end of the Redmi 8A launch live stream, and a dual rear camera setup was visible.
The Redmi 8 has also been allegedly spotted on Google Play console, and it is listed to pack 3GB RAM, and be powered by the Snapdragon 439 SoC paired with Adreno 505 GPU. It will have a HD+ (720×1520 pixel) resolution display with 320ppi density. This listing was first spotted by 91Mobiles.
Recent render leak suggests that the new Redmi phone will have a waterdrop-style display notch, and a capsule-shaped camera setup with two sensors. The back panel of the phone also appears to have a traditional fingerprint sensor and the Redmi branding.
On the specifications front, the Redmi 8 is also expected to run Android 9 Pie with MIUI on top and come in four different colour options, namely Ash, Blue, Green, and Red.