The Budget session of the Parliament has been extended for a few more days to discuss pending Bills. Both Houses had decided to skip the regular question hour and Zero hour proceedings to take up Bills. But Rajya Sabha Chairperson decides to take up Zero Hour alone.
The nitti-gritty details of the exit exam will be objective and fixed taking into account the prevalent standards.
The Bill is not anti-federal because, the States will give the Medical-Essentiality Certificates, not the Centre. State governments will be fully involved with the running of the councils, not the Centre, he says.
“The NMC Bill is anti-vested interests. It will help us move away from inspection-raj. It will select one-time and full-time regulators,” says Dr. Harsh.
He also says because of the exit exams, colleges will have to better their quality of education, cost of fees will come down because not just fees but limitations to what charges can be levied by the private colleges are regulated.
“Mid-level health experts is not something we have brought in, but exists all over the world,” the health minister says, reading from a World Health Organisation report.