निशक्तजन विवाह प्रोत्साहन राशि देवांगन दंपत्ति ने बढ़ाया अपना व्यवसाय

Mr. Pramod Devangan and Mrs. Sonal Devangan, residents of Gobra-Nawapara of Raipur district, have taken forward the business by investing fifty thousand rupees in their grocery business under the disabled marriage incentive amount. Shri Pramod told that he is having trouble seeing since birth, he also has a problem of color blindness. They can see very close things and they cannot see anything far away. They are visually impaired. Despite these obstacles, he studied till post-graduation and he teaches in a private school. Along with this, they are also preparing for competitive exams. Parents and brothers and sisters also live together in their house. The grocery store is run by his wife and other family members together. When he gets time, he also takes it forward by sitting in the shop. Shri Devagan said that I have received the amount from the government at the right time. With this, we are now able to run the grocery store in a better way and the income has also started getting better, due to which the domestic needs are also being met. While thanking the government, he said that this is an important scheme of the government. It is worth mentioning that the Minister of Social Welfare and Women and Child Development, Mrs. Anila Bhediya had given a check of 50 thousand to him in a program organized at his residence in Raipur last month. Like this:Like Loading… Continue Reading


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