Ajay Neema, Ujjain. 2050 bags of gram went missing from the warehouse of a BJP leader in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. Whose price is said to be Rs 52 lakh 76 thousand 278. There has been a stir in the administration after this incident. This whole matter is of village Malikhedi of Ghattiya police station area.
Actually, BJP leader Gajendra Singh has a huge warehouse in village Malikhedi. Where in 2018-19 the government had kept 21,460 bags of gram. Out of which some bags were paid and 2050 bags of gram were left. Whose weight was 1090.14 quintals. The committee constituted by the regional office and the physical verification officer constituted a team on 6 January 2025 to inspect the warehouse.
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The team found major irregularities during inspection. Actually, gram kept in Umath warehouse in 2018-19 was found missing. Gajendra Singh misappropriated 2050 bags of gram of 1 thousand 90 quintals at the rate of Rs 4840 per quintal, totaling Rs 52 lakh 76 thousand 278. This manipulation was done between 17 May 2018 and 6 January 2025. Regional Manager BL Chauhan reached the police station and lodged an FIR against the accused.
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Police station in-charge Devilal Dasoria said that on the complaint of BL Chauhan, regional manager of Madhya Pradesh Warehousing and Logistics Corporation, sections 316(2), 316(5), 318( 3) A case has been registered under.
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